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Showing posts from 2010

baffles me...

a simple fact that human brain is powerful is used, at least for quoting, by endless number of people...just some of those people using a wee bit more than others baffles me so much! the part that astounds me, as you might think, is not the fact that only a few people use their brains beyond that regular mundane amount. the bewilderment lies in the fact that as of now I have had the chance to meet not even a handful of them as yet and just a step outside the regular boundaries, the set limits, the beaten path sets one apart so amazingly. Just a tiny step! HOW REALLY POWERFUL MUST THE HUMAN BRAIN BE! The priorities though of the most powerful existing entity are things that to a "too-much" in the limits brain like mine, are far too difficult to co-ordinate even than that entity. The enormous efforts of gaining name, fame, the attempts to portray yourself as an ordinary mortal while your attempts are all concentrated on a huger task of making yourself live long after you ...


its been days and days thinking what to write and to use the right language in the blog and all i end up is not writing all those things which i feel, which i feel is something we may or may not always think and think over again and again. And now i decide fuck with the language and fuck with all the sense i could anything i want to and y not we r living in the democracy, huh democratic society - seems funny but yes u r right we r living in a democracy in that democracy where you can't love thy neighbour coz he/she is not of ur niche.........what a democrat world it is when a girl's been given every right to choose her dress, her lipstick, her college all the miniscule things but not the decisions of life...........what field to go in ........oh u can't do that it would not give you the right paycheck beta and the most important decision of spending whole life with some guy - oh u can't do this to us u can't marry that guy he is not at all fitting our society..........
i don't know if there's anything i would want more at this stage of my life....Just so wish i get this one! Never imagined i would be able to muster up courage to do this ...but then i did give it a try...things started to fall into place....I so desperately want this to work out well...I so want my dreams to come true! I have always been a believer...and in the current stage of my life i have not wanted anything more than this...all the energy at least in terms of thoughts was accumulated on this one thing....I wish and pray that I get this! My beliefs are just going go so much stronger...I might just go crazy with joy if this thing turns out right...Right the way i want it to!

fortunate encounters...

I don't know why but at times we tend to loose a sight of what we want to be and who we are, a sight of who we would love and most importantly why we love ourselves. Luckily though, there take place some incidents in life or may be just some co-incidences because of which we are reminded of some of the most important points to be kept in mind. Pointers that make you, "you"...things that your belief systems are based on. The learning's that give you strength...strength to work, to live, to fight and stand for yourself. The discoveries that you made through experience and later realized that coincide with all what has been taught to you by your elders and is still being tried to make a part of your mental systems...(if only they knew you have grown up a little on your own too). I call these coincidences, the fortunate encounters, the encounters of fortune in life for you to acquire the 'spirit of life'.

it's a big world...

Is it too much to be asking for someone you can share your silence with?? Is it too much to be asking for someone you can connect with, without talking?? Is it too much to want to have someone share everything with you?? Is it too selfish to be the only one sharing someone’s secrets?? Is it just me or there are people that greedy?? Have I not grown up yet? Or is there something wrong with the way I have? Is it the loneliness inside me? Or am I just the odd one? I don’t know why but I feel everyone has someone to connect with at every stage of life lest why wouldn’t people be looking for someone to share themselves with. May be there is something inside us all that needs to be developed so that we can be a whole without looking for someone to split up all that is possible inside. I don’t know whether it’s insane to want to have someone who can just see you cry without asking you the reason for it. I don’t whether it’s greedy to have someone give you all the possible time th...


I just fail to realize why people pretend to understand, where it's only required to love. Love of humanity or that of self, stems not as much as from understanding but probably more from simply accepting. Though, the hardest of tasks in life is may be to ‘accept’. No matter the acceptance is of self or of someone else. With most of us striving to perfect ourselves over years and decades of our lives, there is something very crucial that we just forget to acknowledge, approval is probably the key element to improvement. Though, we might seek that same approval from the ones around us we are heartless enough to keep ourselves devoid of the same for ourselves. Habituated of keeping ourselves from the pleasure of ‘consent’ that is derived from the mere knowledge of the fact that something we are doing is not being condemned. We somehow over the period of time lose the ability to support others in the endeavors of their lives. Inhumane as we become we forget that a small gesture ...

life's love

I don't know if people are capable of loving other people in their lives or not. though, there is something that I'm sure of, love, if any one can even get close to it is something that gives you courage. courage to live life. obedience to follow through even along the toughest routes and strength to walk miles. The only thing is love and compatibility are things that should go hand in hand but this generally doesn't happen always. As a matter of fact, there can be cases where love is in abundance, too much to take charge of but no language to express the same!

2nd article on boloji!!! that;s the second article accepted by boloji's editor Mr. Rajinder Krishan. He's such an encouraging person, says I write pretty well and if I write more often I can really excel. YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

once strong broken twice!!

I really don't know if I am giving away every detail with that heading but I am scared to death... I have given all that I had once and I have seen things go hay wired...feeling every bit of what went wrong was my fault! I am just so scared of those awry things being repeated again...scared not because I don't want to improve or I don’t want to change! Scared, because I don't as yet know why those things happened in the fashion I least wanted! I just so turn negative when the most minuscule of the instances reflect those mishaps of the past, when the slightest of occurrences resemble the by-gone turmoil. I just thought I was strong once but I am realizing with each passing moment that the strength would melt away and if something of the past were to now repeat itself ...the me in me 'once strong' would be 'broken twice'!!!

New realization

I'm 22 which is pretty big i know but I'm a slow learner and its only recently that i have realized something, right or wrong is yet to be tested. The sense of satisfaction comes not from pushing yourself to the limits but pushing with all your strength to set new limits.

dumb me!

Just one of those phases in life when nothing seems to work, nothing can calm you down. The things that catch your attention are definitely not the ones you need that time. More importantly, the things that need your urgent attention just somehow are incapable of getting a hold on your thought leaving you miserable. Just when you need to be your conscientious best you end up with all the inattentiveness of the world. Just when you need to believe in the heavens inside you nothing can avert you from letting hell break loose. Just the factors that you need riddance surface and re-surface drawing from beneath your toughness everything that adds to your strength. Just the time that is hard to live and yet is crucial jiffy. You would close your eyes and wait for it to pass with panache just the composure is missing. The serenity about you could help but none for the quietude would brake an era. Just when I wish to tell all has hit a drought of means. Just when I wished lucidity my soul...

Honest deceit

Given a major portion of my life to it…some thinking about it and the other some trying to learn what actually it about is! Though now after all that time I still don’t know what I was here to know… all the while I have developed a feeling. A Feeling developed, neither of love nor reverence but complete aversion. Repugnance is not for the craft but the factual dexterities required to master the craft! I thought the craft was to display but a parade is what I must learn. Crafts have their language but the things that confuse me are the polished euphemism. The conveyance of skill needs a medium. There are men whose expertise communicates all that is worthy of getting across. Though, step in some middlemen who promote not craft but all that is other than that. All this not at the cost of the craftsmen or the crafts for those are entities far beyond reach but the impact of it is faced by the learners, the beginners… the student. Who is to distinguish between crafts and business when both...

The ‘whatever’ of a desperate writer

Could have called these musings but the profound use of the verb off-late has resulted in it not being just a thought but a “celebrity” off-late. Also the depths to be reached have transformed into soaring heights. I don’t really know what I mean there I just hope I end up reflecting what I want to. Wishing those reflections are intelligible by me too. For I assume that more often than not people see beyond what I had foreseen. All of these put together form something’s that I have no words for. Though I know these something’s form those things that call themselves the “whatever”. Hence, this attempt begins from the conclusion, beginning from that which is a CULMINATION, a CEASING. The process of emptying into one, leads to ‘the rest’ becoming ‘a whole’. This is all but obvious and nothing worth a mention. The fact, though, that it has been stated, stated again no different shows no reason but ‘DESPERATION’, the Desperation to talk, to be heard, to reach out and know a lot. So th...

No title

A flower that longed for the butterfly would never refuse its color even though the butterfly might not want it. I was told that there are things beyond conditions too. I consider myself oblivious still, I have lost sanity too. I thought you know so much, you knew the conditions too.

This could be it...

Not everyone is capable of it. Not everyone can understand. Many may think that they are at the core but the last they know is they could be at the shore. They may not feel it but they say it. Say it out and aloud. Not everyone differentiates between saying and expressing. Somehow, the ones who express have a tough time “saying”. Not everyone listens to an expression. The expressions are probably difficult to hear. Expressions were may be meant only for the soul. Though, not everyone connects. There is a language of no-scripts though not everyone acknowledges. It is because of that language do I know that you were never the one. Though, my one might have just expressed. Not even I could “say”. The tacit word is not for you. We belong to different worlds. Though, he understands just what I say he might as well not know what you did not. Though, I could tell him all of it but he isn’t lexical, you see. The language needs no teaching but not everyone believes, I see. There was ...

not confused ne longer...

It's weird even for me to say it but finally there is something I am not confused about. I am not very sure whether or not is correct to be mentioning it here but I wish I could paint the city to inform one and all. I don care about coming across as someone absolutely insane but I was just wondering whether it would be incorrect to shout out from the rooftops. I have a bag full of mixed feelings and am just so loving every bit of it. Not that I am not in a mood to disclose those feelings right here right now...but the only concern is the reason (the specific 1) which has me feeling this way might not find it to be such a good idea. The thing is it's only me who feels this way, I don't even know how the reason behind my feeling so elated, feels about my feeling this way. The irony is 'the reason' is not even probably aware of this state I am in. I wish I could paint the town "RED"... I wish I could tag all those mixed feeling under this 1 heading...I wish ...


I know tht thr's nothing in the world which happens " just like tht" but then 'feeling blue' right now is JLT. May be I don want to elaborate on those reasons and hence trying to get away with "JLT" wtever it's strange and deep. A deep deep 'blue', the depths no one can reach, the depths which are safer alone. Even if there was something 2 show around tht far away, I have my gears worn out and I hv decided to nt seek help "JLT"...There aren't many capable of seeing far & I see no one worthy of travelling that far...don put up the "Y's"...all I'll say is..."just like tht"...

The "us" time...

There are times when you expect a certain quantity of 'quality' time from someone in particular. That someone though, has different priorties in life, priorties very different from yours, priorties which differ from the you, 'you' have been. Then you begin to change because of them or may be it's something inside you that you have always wanted something of a kind which you are now very close to, you start fantasizing, start believing that the one thing you thought is a light years far away from you is rather just around the corner. Then you eventually loose the power of deciphering the thin veil of difference. The difference between your dreams and 'you'. Your dreams were still probably around you but in a different direction...a direction you were not looking in. The reality on the contrary, the thing you mistook for your dreams wasnot what you was to suck up all your energies, to fade away your dreams, to take away from you the onethi...


Would living alone be tough? can u do justice to anything/anyone in the world if u can't stop wishing fr a 1 special it ever possible to stop wishing for the special most desire that had cropped up inside u without ur knowledge? i dont think thts human...even if it is, thats not a task im capable of...i dont even want to make myself capable of it. given these i deserve a normal treatment? "frm nw no", if i cant do justice to any 1 i deserve justice? "frm nw no", i cant prove myself i worth an ear? "frm nw no", i cant gv my 100% to ne nw...shud i b entitled to ne? "FRM NW NO" the 1 who is all...recognized me i worth ne identification at all? "frm nw no" i cudnt reach where i wanted to...shud i evr gt ne destination? "frm nw no" is there ne wish tht i hv a strong s the 1 my ignorance cold bloodedly killed... "frm nw no" will i ever be me without tht? "frm nw...


It's such a thing to be happy.... Something that's even better and ecstatic is seeing someone else smile showing that they are in that same state of happiness and knwoing that you have made some contribution to the fact they are happy. There is something about being happy and making others around you happy 'coz i don't know how but I always feel that there's something mystical about the joyful moments. some how the onething i know on earth probably travells faster than the speed of light are the vibes exuded by the spirited people beautyfiying the surface of our planet. Though i know i don't always remember that but i just felt since this is one time when i am really happy lemme just record the mantra that has lived since times immemorial but has dawned upon me in this light only now... MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AND HAPPINESS WILL WRAP YOU UP IN IT'S EVER EMBRACING ARMS! and just in case you think that's tough with never content people of the present times, just...

hormones raging??

raging hormones are obviously common with people my age....i know then u hv more reasons to get a hold onto thoz distracting chemicals....than just moral science lecturzz nd the f****** society which takes an unmistaking delight in taking fun out of everything thts supposed to be fun... but here i am saying that, yes u hv reasons other than thoz stated abuv which wud rather push a red-blooded young being on a spree just the opposite. that reason is all for ur gud....if its ne kind f ne mental companion ur luking towards hving...thoz hormones r sure to hinder tht process...or better still confuse u till the extents u cant even imagine... so trust me, gv thoz stinking elements a chuck nd let them be kept fr future use f ...f***** the indian economy further.......pushing the resources further into the abyss...those hideous things r gud fr nothing else bt ruining every damn thing nd engender all the abhorrence, repugnance, revulsion, aversion the earth has ever known..... till u d...

didn't write it it...wud follow too....

sent by a friend ..a help...its awesum.... Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul

underestimating my luck!!!

Whenever I said I have a great luck ... - i was just so underestimating it... Few people i think have a luck as strong as mine...anything i truly want i get it! Though, there are hardly 2 many things i madly want...i truly set my eyes on...and the moment i do set my eyes on...and want that from the core of my heart i get it! What is the key to deliberately wanting something? How do i explore the new options? How do i find newer things, things intriguing enough to initiate in me a longing...the longing that directs my luck to fetch it from any corner of the world for me? What is it that sets a difference between the things i have at hand and need to work on and the other few that hit the depths of my heart and soul, even though these things at hand are not imposed by anybody else but chosen by my own self? Is it the things around me that are not interesting enough? Or is it me not being able to view those things in the right perspective? Is the initiation required to be done, ...

read it somewhere

life is not about finding yourself. IT'S ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF... i don't really know whether or not do i understand the meaning of these lines nor do i know whether i am in the right position to be able to appreciate those words. though, of reading those words i felt life, which seemingly is the subject in the above lines is in the least the subject. the subject rather, is the "self" because of which life is. To let yourself flow and keep trying to discover the direction ur flowing in is vanity. The courage rather lies in deciding upon a destination u decide not to flow in the direction of but swim ur way to. As you swim ur way till your desired mark you celebrate on ur way that u choose a path fr urself and are solely responsible for anything coming along in the chosen course. The celebration lies in not acclimatizing to the hard-hitting waves but evolving a stroke to surpass the hurdle with equanimity.