It's such a thing to be happy.... Something that's even better and ecstatic is seeing someone else smile showing that they are in that same state of happiness and knwoing that you have made some contribution to the fact they are happy. There is something about being happy and making others around you happy 'coz i don't know how but I always feel that there's something mystical about the joyful moments. some how the onething i know on earth probably travells faster than the speed of light are the vibes exuded by the spirited people beautyfiying the surface of our planet. Though i know i don't always remember that but i just felt since this is one time when i am really happy lemme just record the mantra that has lived since times immemorial but has dawned upon me in this light only now... MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AND HAPPINESS WILL WRAP YOU UP IN IT'S EVER EMBRACING ARMS! and just in case you think that's tough with never content people of the present times, just...
dreaming is the prelogue to the book of creation, though, dreaming is not something everyone appreciates but... let me dream for dreams are all that I have!