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it's a big world...

Is it too much to be asking for someone you can share your silence with??
Is it too much to be asking for someone you can connect with, without talking??
Is it too much to want to have someone share everything with you??

Is it too selfish to be the only one sharing someone’s secrets??

Is it just me or there are people that greedy??

Have I not grown up yet? Or is there something wrong with the way I have?

Is it the loneliness inside me? Or am I just the odd one?

I don’t know why but I feel everyone has someone to connect with at every stage of life lest why wouldn’t people be looking for someone to share themselves with. May be there is something inside us all that needs to be developed so that we can be a whole without looking for someone to split up all that is possible inside.
I don’t know whether it’s insane to want to have someone who can just see you cry without asking you the reason for it. I don’t whether it’s greedy to have someone give you all the possible time that they can. I don’t know whether it’s selfish to want to have someone who would share only with you. I don’t know if any of the things I stated makes sense…all I know is somehow, somewhere deep inside me I feel the need of sharing myself with someone who shares just as much, someone who thinks alike.


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