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Showing posts from May 8, 2009

dedicated to the loved ones!!!

is having a heart a "crime"??? why are only the show-offs understood and accepted? why does no one realize the genuinity if you don't brag about your contributions? it's only the ones who shed tears are actually apologised to. why are the braver people as good as condemned? people have expectations from you but they can not mention the same in words for their inflated ego. you are never appreciated for helping someone but you are as hell reprimanded for the slightest of mistakes. is it too much to expect that the people you help keeping aside your responsibilities, help you back or atleast leave a note of thank, even if not apreciate or feel oblidged that you were there when the world had turned its back to their face? why in the world is the one who accepts faults bombasted and the one stubborn people are categorised as "principled"? there are people who are fathomed...but there are also people who only act "pricey", no one acknowledges amidst the