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Showing posts from January, 2010


Would living alone be tough? can u do justice to anything/anyone in the world if u can't stop wishing fr a 1 special it ever possible to stop wishing for the special most desire that had cropped up inside u without ur knowledge? i dont think thts human...even if it is, thats not a task im capable of...i dont even want to make myself capable of it. given these i deserve a normal treatment? "frm nw no", if i cant do justice to any 1 i deserve justice? "frm nw no", i cant prove myself i worth an ear? "frm nw no", i cant gv my 100% to ne nw...shud i b entitled to ne? "FRM NW NO" the 1 who is all...recognized me i worth ne identification at all? "frm nw no" i cudnt reach where i wanted to...shud i evr gt ne destination? "frm nw no" is there ne wish tht i hv a strong s the 1 my ignorance cold bloodedly killed... "frm nw no" will i ever be me without tht? "frm nw...


It's such a thing to be happy.... Something that's even better and ecstatic is seeing someone else smile showing that they are in that same state of happiness and knwoing that you have made some contribution to the fact they are happy. There is something about being happy and making others around you happy 'coz i don't know how but I always feel that there's something mystical about the joyful moments. some how the onething i know on earth probably travells faster than the speed of light are the vibes exuded by the spirited people beautyfiying the surface of our planet. Though i know i don't always remember that but i just felt since this is one time when i am really happy lemme just record the mantra that has lived since times immemorial but has dawned upon me in this light only now... MAKE OTHERS HAPPY AND HAPPINESS WILL WRAP YOU UP IN IT'S EVER EMBRACING ARMS! and just in case you think that's tough with never content people of the present times, just...

hormones raging??

raging hormones are obviously common with people my age....i know then u hv more reasons to get a hold onto thoz distracting chemicals....than just moral science lecturzz nd the f****** society which takes an unmistaking delight in taking fun out of everything thts supposed to be fun... but here i am saying that, yes u hv reasons other than thoz stated abuv which wud rather push a red-blooded young being on a spree just the opposite. that reason is all for ur gud....if its ne kind f ne mental companion ur luking towards hving...thoz hormones r sure to hinder tht process...or better still confuse u till the extents u cant even imagine... so trust me, gv thoz stinking elements a chuck nd let them be kept fr future use f ...f***** the indian economy further.......pushing the resources further into the abyss...those hideous things r gud fr nothing else bt ruining every damn thing nd engender all the abhorrence, repugnance, revulsion, aversion the earth has ever known..... till u d...

didn't write it it...wud follow too....

sent by a friend ..a help...its awesum.... Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul

underestimating my luck!!!

Whenever I said I have a great luck ... - i was just so underestimating it... Few people i think have a luck as strong as mine...anything i truly want i get it! Though, there are hardly 2 many things i madly want...i truly set my eyes on...and the moment i do set my eyes on...and want that from the core of my heart i get it! What is the key to deliberately wanting something? How do i explore the new options? How do i find newer things, things intriguing enough to initiate in me a longing...the longing that directs my luck to fetch it from any corner of the world for me? What is it that sets a difference between the things i have at hand and need to work on and the other few that hit the depths of my heart and soul, even though these things at hand are not imposed by anybody else but chosen by my own self? Is it the things around me that are not interesting enough? Or is it me not being able to view those things in the right perspective? Is the initiation required to be done, ...

read it somewhere

life is not about finding yourself. IT'S ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF... i don't really know whether or not do i understand the meaning of these lines nor do i know whether i am in the right position to be able to appreciate those words. though, of reading those words i felt life, which seemingly is the subject in the above lines is in the least the subject. the subject rather, is the "self" because of which life is. To let yourself flow and keep trying to discover the direction ur flowing in is vanity. The courage rather lies in deciding upon a destination u decide not to flow in the direction of but swim ur way to. As you swim ur way till your desired mark you celebrate on ur way that u choose a path fr urself and are solely responsible for anything coming along in the chosen course. The celebration lies in not acclimatizing to the hard-hitting waves but evolving a stroke to surpass the hurdle with equanimity.