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Showing posts from June, 2010


I just fail to realize why people pretend to understand, where it's only required to love. Love of humanity or that of self, stems not as much as from understanding but probably more from simply accepting. Though, the hardest of tasks in life is may be to ‘accept’. No matter the acceptance is of self or of someone else. With most of us striving to perfect ourselves over years and decades of our lives, there is something very crucial that we just forget to acknowledge, approval is probably the key element to improvement. Though, we might seek that same approval from the ones around us we are heartless enough to keep ourselves devoid of the same for ourselves. Habituated of keeping ourselves from the pleasure of ‘consent’ that is derived from the mere knowledge of the fact that something we are doing is not being condemned. We somehow over the period of time lose the ability to support others in the endeavors of their lives. Inhumane as we become we forget that a small gesture ...

life's love

I don't know if people are capable of loving other people in their lives or not. though, there is something that I'm sure of, love, if any one can even get close to it is something that gives you courage. courage to live life. obedience to follow through even along the toughest routes and strength to walk miles. The only thing is love and compatibility are things that should go hand in hand but this generally doesn't happen always. As a matter of fact, there can be cases where love is in abundance, too much to take charge of but no language to express the same!